Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good Bye to a True American Hero
Neil Armstrong
Apollo 11 Crew

Neil Armstrong
1st Human to Step on the Moon
One Small Step 

Our Week

Monday:   1.  Check Scavenger Hunt  2.  Safety Video  
3.  Work on safety cartoon - due Tuesday at the end of class

Tuesday:  1.  Hand out books  2.  "Nature of Science"  
3.  Finish Cartoon - turn in!

Wednesday:  1.  "Nature of Science" continues 
 2.  Equipment usage and measurement review - due Tuesday    
3.  Nature of Science Crossword puzzle due Friday

Thursday:  1.  Equipment usage and measurement continues

Friday:  1.  Safety Quiz  2. Finish up measurement review - due Tuesday   3.  Finish Nature of Science Crossword - checked for credit 

Questions of the Week
Neil Armstrong photographed by Buzz Aldrin as Armstrong worked near the lunar lander The Eagle on July 20, 1969 

Look closely at the this picture, why do you think there are no stars visible in the sky?  Also, describe the environment that Neil and Buzz had to deal with on the Moon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the reason there are no stars in the sky is because the sun's light rays blocks out the stars light, similarly to the effect of stars in a city. The environment of the moon they had to deal with was rocky, and very little gravity.
