Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week of Dec. 17th
Hurricane Sandy, New York

Our Week
Mon: 1.) pg 19-26 due today 2.Landform activity due Wed.  3.) Sandy visual due Thurs.

Tues: 1) Finish/start landform activity- due tomorrow. 2) Post Sandy visual on schoology dropbox- due Thurs. 3) pg 29-40 due today. 4) pg 27 & pg 40 due Wed. (for a grade) 5) Pg 44-54; #1-2; 5-12; 16-25; due Thurs.

Wed: 1) pg 27 & 41 due today. 

Thurs: 1) pg 44-54 due today. You will have a little time to finish. 2) Sandy visual due today.

Fri: 1) "Surprise" Christmas Ornaments
Hurricane Sandy hits the town!
Hurricane Sandy effects

After Hurricane Sandy

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of Dec. 10th
The Earth at Night
 Our Week
Monday:   1.  Check and go over Radiometric Dating La
 2.  Complete p. 117 1-12 - due Tuesday  3.  Fossil Explore due Tuesday

Tuesday:  1.  Check and go over p. 117  2.  Fossil Explore discussion  3.  Intro. new topic - "Weathering" 4.  Explore interactive site - link is below - complete answer sheet as you work through the site - due Thursday

Wednesday: 1.  Quiz on Radiometric Dating 2.  p. 19-26; 1-3, 5-9, 11-12, and 14-16 - due Friday
3.  Use the link below to observe images of how weathering and erosion change the Earth - write an inference about each picture after p. 41 in your workbooks - due Thursday

Radiometric Dating Quiz 

Thursday:  1.  "Erosion and Deposition by Water"  - p. 29-40; 1- 2, 5-6, 11-13, 14-16, 19-20, and 24-27 - due Monday

Friday:  1.  Weathering and Erosion Lab due Tuesday

Question of the Week

Pictured above is an example of erosion in our very own Anderson Township!  What exactly happened here?