Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of September 24th

(You are looking at the view from Mt. Everest above)

Our Week

Monday:  1. Plate  Tectonics continues  2.  Finish Friday's computer simulation from Friday  3.  2011 Japan Earthquake Video

Homework: p. 206-212 - questions 11-22 - due Tuesday

Tuesday:  1.  Check p. 206-212  2.  Finish Japan Video 
 3.  Japan Earthquake "Moving Plates" checked Friday

Homework:  p. 213; 1-10 due Wed. 

Wednesday:   1.  Check p. 213  2.  Review for Unit 4 Sections 1 and 2 Evaluation (Thursday)  3.  Finish Japan "Moving Plates" - checked Friday

Homework:  STUDY!!!  p. 193-213 and handouts

Thursday:  Unit 4 Section 1 and 2 Evaluation


 1.  Check Japan Article 2.  Rock Cycle: p.158-162; 10, 12, 14, 16; Rock Cycle Lab; Rock Cycle Interactive Investigation - link below - answer questions in workbooks after p. 165. (Will finish all of this up on Monday).

Rocky Cycle Investigation 

Questions of the Week

Pictured above is the Sakurajima Volcano in Japan erupting in 2010.  What do you see inside the eruption?  Why do you think it occurs?  Japan is located right in the middle of the "Ring of Fire" - which 2 tectonic plates caused the 2011 earthquake and resulting tsunami?

Take a look at this aurora borealis in Norway that occurred this month!  What exactly causes this phenomena?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week of September 17th

Our Earth! This picture was taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts -  the last mission to the Moon!
Our Week

Monday:  1.  Earth Layers due Tuesday 2.  Complete p. 198-199 due Wed.  3.  Complete Atmospheric Layers - due Wed. 

Tuesday:  1.  p. 205-206 1-9 - due Thursday

Wednesday: 1.  Gondwana Puzzle due Friday

Links to the Visualizations for Plate Tectonics:

Breakup of Pangaea

Movements along plate boundaries

Convection in the Mantle

Magnetic striping in sea floor rock

Thursday: 1.   Continue Gondwana Puzzle 2.  Check/Go Over p. 201-205  3.  p. 206-212 - 12-22.  due Monday

Friday:  1.  Earth Forces Activity  2.  There will be a quiz on Tuesday over p. 192-211 in Workbooks

Questions of the Week

Pictured above is what scientists think our continents will look like 250 million years from now.  Scientists call this Pangaea Ultima!  How is this future Pangaea different and the same as the Pangaea of 250 million years ago?  What do you think would be forming between North America, South America, and Africa?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Week of September 4th

Pictured above is the ISS flying over the Earth at night last April.  The astronauts captured on film a rare phenomena - a red sprite.  Look closely at the white light blast which is regular lightning - right next to it is a red flash.  This red flash is a unique type of lightning that not too much is known about.
Our Week

Tuesday:   1.  Science Equipment Overview  2.  Measuring in metric review - Length  3. Read p. R37-R40 in back of workbooks 4. Nature of Science continues - "Lava Flow Experiment" begins - Problem

Wednesday:  1.  Measuring in metric review - Mass 2.  Lava Flow continues - Design

Thursday:  1.  Measuring in metric review - Volume 2.  Lava Flow continues - first trials

Friday: 1.  Measuring in metric review - Density  2. Density Lab: Mystery Colors due at end of class Monday, 9/10 2. All Measuring Activities due at the end of class on Monday, 9/10
 2.  Lava Flow Lab Report due Thursday, 9/13  3.  Nature of Science Evaluation Friday, 9/14

Cape Cod, MA beach closures due to Great White Shark sightings!  Jaws returns!  What do you think is bringing these amazing predators so close to the beaches?  
Here is Curiosity's first color panorama picture of Mars!  Mars looks like a desert on the Earth; what type of geologic forces would have created this dry, barren landscape?